Accor School For Change

Accor launched the "Accor School for Change" to educate employees on global warming challenges.
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Applied to:

The Hospitality Award for Employee Care

This award is designed to reward companies that demonstrate a strong commitment to employee retention, professional development, and workplace satisfaction. Companies with exceptional employee care policies understand the importance of employee satisfaction and the impact it can have on their overall productivity and efficiency. These policies may include measures such as employee empowerment, career development opportunities, performance improvement programs, and overall support for employee well-being.

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The project:

Accor's "School for Change": Educating Employees on Global Challenges

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and emerging social challenges are reshaping the world’s ecosystem and impacting the corporate landscape. These changes bring new pressures and expectations for all stakeholders, including companies, candidates, investors, owners, clients, and guests. The hospitality industry, in particular, faces recruitment shortages, demands for low-energy buildings, plastic restrictions, biodiversity loss in tourist areas, and the need to rethink travel practices.

In response, Accor launched the "Accor School for Change" in June 2022. This training program aims to raise awareness and educate employees about global warming and its associated challenges. Partnering with Axa Climate, Accor ensures the content is science-based and comprehensive.

The program includes both mandatory and optional modules, totaling around five hours, covering topics such as the origins of the Earth, biodiversity, climate, and the impacts of global warming on human societies. Accor’s goal is for all head office employees worldwide to complete the training by December 31, 2022.

Accor is proud to upskill its employees globally, empowering each one to become a change leader and contribute to addressing these critical global challenges.