Battre le Compt’Coeur

"Battre le compt’cœur": Engaging our community to support Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde.
Corporate awards
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Applied to:

The Hospitality Award for Social Responsibility

This award recognizes exceptional actions in the field of social responsibility, including diversity, inclusion and governance that have positively impacted the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourists as well as business sites in the hospitality industry. The winning action or program will have demonstrated a deep commitment to social responsibility and governance through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and measurable outcomes that have positively impacted stakeholders. This award recognizes programs that have made significant contributions towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and responsible industry.

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The project:

"Battre le Compt’Coeur": A Project by HappyCulture

Since 2019, HappyCulture has committed to supporting childhood causes. To humanize this sponsorship and support the mission of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde, we created the "Battre le Compt’Cœur" solidarity and sports challenge involving our entire community.

CEO Hélène Gauthier states: The challenge arose from the desire to engage our community in supporting Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde.

"Committed Hospitality": Since 2015, HappyCulture has embraced a global CSR approach. The entire team is dedicated to this solidarity challenge:

  • Human Resources: Giving work meaningful purpose.
  • Marketing & Communication: Expressing our convictions internally and externally.
  • Operations: Uniting 600 employees around our values.
  • Management: Driving the ambition to positively impact society.

Event and Community Involvement: "Battre le Compt’Cœur" encourages community members to devote time and energy to the cause of children. For each participation, €100 is donated to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde, supporting surgeries for children with heart malformations. Since 2019, the challenge has funded operations for 15 children.

Live Challenge: Held at the steps of the Sacré Coeur in Paris, the event features DJs, entertainers, logo teeshirts, race numbers, awareness workshops, and Red Cross supervision. Participants include athletes like Jimmy Vicaut and Jérome Laporal, footballer Océane Hurtré, and Koh Lanta adventurers Claude and Laurent.

Digital Challenge: Three days before the event, HappyCulture revealed the event details and engaged selected influencers to become ambassadors. The digital community amplified visibility through live broadcasts, stories, and posts, with €1 donated per like on the brand’s Instagram account.

More than Sponsorship: Organizing a sports and solidarity challenge offers a sincere commitment from the HappyCulture community, giving their time to benefit the association.

About Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque: Founded in 1996, this NGO specializes in pediatric heart surgery, bringing children to France for operations they cannot receive in their home countries due to lack of resources. Annually, the association funds over 230 operations, supported by 430 volunteers across France. Their mission includes local screening, training doctors, and ensuring comprehensive care from origin to recovery.