Creation of new sustainable amenities lines for our hotels

Accor's innovative eco-responsible amenities use environmentally friendly materials, showcasing extensive research and innovation.
Corporate awards
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Applied to:

The Hospitality Award for Sustainable Development

This award recognizes outstanding actions in the field of sustainable development that have contributed to ecological sustainability for the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourist sites as well as natural resources in the hospitality industry. The winning action will have demonstrated a commitment to environmental sustainability through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and a measurable impact on reducing the industry's ecological footprint. This award recognizes programs that have made significant contributions towards a more sustainable future.

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The project:

In 2019, Accor committed to eliminating all guest-related single-use plastic items in its hotels by the end of 2022. Faced with a lack of market alternatives, Accor's Global Sustainability and Procurement teams collaborated for over two years with their historical supplier to develop an eco-responsible line of amenities that enhance the customer experience.

Through extensive research, exchange, and innovation, Accor introduced a new range of eco-friendly wet and dry amenities made from materials like bamboo, wood, and kraft paper. At Accor, the challenge extends beyond finding plastic alternatives; it involves shifting away from single-use products and embracing the "3R" philosophy: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.

Accor aims to promote more sustainable consumption by making most amenities available upon request at reception rather than placing them in rooms. This approach supports a transition to more mindful consumption habits.

Accor's dedication to sustainability has driven them to push the boundaries of innovation, resulting in recognized and certified eco-responsible products. Their efforts demonstrate a commitment to reducing environmental impact and fostering a culture of sustainable practices within the hospitality industry.