Kids Go Green

Kids Go Green - Educating nearby village youth on sustainable living to support a sustainable Mauritius.
Local awards
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Applied to:

The Hospitality Award for Social Responsibility

This award recognizes exceptional actions in the field of social responsibility, including diversity, inclusion and governance that have positively impacted the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourists as well as business sites in the hospitality industry. The winning action or program will have demonstrated a deep commitment to social responsibility and governance through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and measurable outcomes that have positively impacted stakeholders. This award recognizes programs that have made significant contributions towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and responsible industry.

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The project:

Kids Go Green: Educating for a Sustainable Future

In an era where junk food and malnutrition are prevalent, the chefs and gardeners at LUX* Le Morne are committed to sharing their knowledge with students. Launched in March 2022, Kids Go Green is a multi-faceted initiative designed to educate children on healthy eating, vegetable gardening, and reducing food waste.

Once a week, groups of students visit the hotel to learn about the importance of a healthy diet through homemade and plant-based food. The hotel’s gardeners teach the children how to grow plants, sow seeds, and tend to soil, encouraging them to take their sown plants home to observe their growth.

The chefs emphasize the importance of seasonality, prioritizing seasonal, local products over imported ones. They also offer tips on reusing food scraps and revisiting recipes with leftovers to minimize food waste.

As of now, 11 Kids Go Green sessions have been held, involving 198 students. Over 300 plants have been given to the students for home gardening. This low-cost project is effectively fostering environmentally conscious kids.

To raise awareness and encourage more schools to participate, a PR campaign was launched, aiming to expand the reach and impact of Kids Go Green.