Les Ignorants - Pierre & Vacances

The "Les ignorants" campaign successfully achieved its goals in brand rebuilding, consideration, and business impact.
Corporate awards
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Applied to:

The Hospitality Award for a Media Campaign

This award recognizes a media campaign that has effectively promoted a hospitality brand or group. The campaignmay have been executed on any media platform, such as television, radio, newspapers, digital displays, social media, or the internet, and should have demonstrated creativity, originality, and relevance to the target audience. The winning campaign will have successfully increased brand awareness and/or customer engagement, resulting in positive business impact for the hospitality brand or group.

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The project:

Pierre & Vacances Campaign: Rebuilding Brand Image and Consideration

Challenge, Context, Objective: Pierre & Vacances, a historic player in French tourism, faced a complex situation after two years of pandemic-induced stagnation. Despite a 90% satisfaction rate among loyal customers, 64% of potential customers found the brand outdated and didn't consider it for their vacations. This growing lack of consideration stemmed from entrenched prejudices and presented a significant challenge.

Insight and Strategic Idea: To address its declining brand image, Pierre & Vacances decided to confront these prejudices head-on, using them to convince skeptics otherwise.

Budget, Execution, and Deployment: The campaign featured a brand film marked by humility and self-deprecation, aired on TV and in cinemas to maximize impact on brand awareness and image. The strategy included a targeted digital component to reinforce the message and generate qualified leads. The creative production budget was €300K, with an additional €1.6M allocated to paid media.

Creative Assets:

  • One 30-second film
  • Two 15-second films
  • Three 6-second digital capsules

Campaign Dates:

  • TV: 21/03 - 17/04/22
  • Cinema: 30/03 - 26/04/22, and 01/06 - 08/06/22
  • Online Media: 04/04 - 01/05/22, and 06/06 - 19/06/22

Results and Analysis: The campaign successfully debunked myths and rejuvenated Pierre & Vacances' brand image, especially among previously unconvinced prospects. Brand consideration increased by 6 points, and the brand was perceived as more modern and premium. This led to a 10% increase in website traffic and a 30% revenue boost during the campaign period, attracting new customers as well as retaining loyal ones.