Rules & Regulations

Article 1

Organizing company

Hospitality ON with a capital of 61 091.50 € having its registered office at 5rue de Danzig 75015 Paris, having the identification number RCS 379 089 295 00016 and represented by Mr. Vanguélis PANAYOTIS, President (hereinafter also referred to as the "Organizing Company" or "the Organizer")is organizing on Thursday November 28, 2024, an international event entitled the "Hospitality Awards", according to the terms and conditions described in these rules.

Article 2

Presentation of the event

The Hospitality Awards are a highly respected competition that takes place on a global scale, honoring hospitality brands for their exceptional achievements. This prestigious event is the first and only competition worldwide that rewards corporate excellence within the hospitality industry.Divided into two parts, the competition comprises a global division, which brings together all the leading hotel groups from across the world, and a local division, which is specifically reserved for individual hotels.

The Hospitality Awards are one of the most highly anticipated events in the hospitality industry's calendar. It is regarded as one of the industry's most important recognitions, bringing together the entire hospitality community to celebrate and highlight the hard work, dedication, and exceptional achievements of its members.

Corporate Hospitality Awards

1.    Best destination marketing campaign

2.    Best marketing initiative

3.    Best media campaign

4.    Best innovative brand concept

5.    Best innovative environmental protection initiative

6.    Best innovative social responsibility initiative

7.    Best innovative talent management initiative

8.    Best innovative F&B experience

9.    Best innovative guest experience

10.  Best technological operational support innovation

11.  Lifetime Achievement

12.  Grand Prix Hospitality ON



Local Hospitality Awards

1.    Best F&B experience innovation

2.    Best health & wellness experience

3.    Best innovative social responsibility action

4.    Best innovative sustainable action

5.    Best opening party

6.    Best economic/hostel (re-)opening

7.    Best upscale/midscale hotel (re-)opening

8.    Best luxury hotel (re-)opening

9.    Best resort (re-)opening

10. Best upscale/midscale hotel manager of the year

11. Best luxury hotel manager of the year

12. Best resort manager of the year

13. Iconic employee of the year

Article 3

Description of Categories

Corporate Level categories

1. Best destination marketing campaign
This award recognizes an innovative communication campaign made by a country, region, city, official institution, or tourism office which promotes the destination to a wider audience. The winning marketing campaign will have demonstrated creativity, innovation, and effectiveness in promoting a destination to potential tourists, while also showcasing the destination’s cultural, social, and environmental values. 


2. Best marketing initiative

This award recognizes a marketing program that has successfully enhanced and promoted a brand, a group or a concept/product through innovative initiatives, tools or partnerships. The marketing initiative must demonstrate a deep understanding of its target audience and will have successfully engaged and inspired them through creative and effective collaborations.  


3. Best media campaign

This award recognizes a media campaign that has effectively promoted a brand or a group. The campaign may have been executed on any media platform (such as television, radio, newspapers, digital displays, social media, or internet) and should have demonstrated creativity, originality, and relevance to the target audience. The winning campaign will have successfully increased brand awareness and/or customer engagement, resulting in positive business impact for the hospitality brand or group.  


4. Best innovative brand concept

This award celebrates the most innovative and creative concept in the hospitality industry. It recognizes a brand that has demonstrated the ability to think outside the box and introduces a new valued proposition to the final customer, or a new version of an existing concept that sets a new standard for the industry. It should provide a new approach and vision of guest experience, with a focus on design, spaces arrangement, and overall quality and diversity of services. The concept should have the potential to revolutionize the hospitality industry and offer a better quality of service for guests.


5. Best innovative environmental protection initiative  

This award recognizes outstanding actions in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development that have contributed to ecological sustainability for the planet. The initiative must demonstrate an innovative commitment to environmental sustainability, effective management practices, and a measurable impact on reducing the industry’s ecological footprint. This award recognizes initiatives that have made significant contributions towards a more sustainable future.


6. Best innovative social responsibility initiative  

This award recognizes innovative actions in the field of social responsibility, including diversity, inclusion and governance that have positively impacted the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourists. The action or program must demonstrate a deep commitment to social responsibility and governance through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and measurable outcomes that have positively impacted stakeholders. This award recognizes initiatives that have made significant contributions towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and responsible industry.


7. Best innovative talent management

This award is designed to reward companies that demonstrate a strong commitment to identifying and recruiting top talent (acquisition and/or retention), as well as effectively integrating new employees into their organization. Companies with exceptional talent acquisition programs understand the importance of recruiting the best candidates to ensure the highest level of service to their customers. These programs may include strategies and processes such as innovative recruitment methods, effective onboarding programs, and ongoing support for new employees.


8. Best innovative F&B experience

This award honors the most exceptional and original Food & Beverage concept developed by corporate headquarters teams, applicable to both uniform brand concepts and specific concepts. It recognizes a group or a brand that demonstrated its ability to think outside the box and introduces new concepts or a new version of an existing concept that sets a new standard for the industry. It should provide a new approach and vision of guest experience, with a focus on design, public spaces, and overall service quality. The concept should have the potential to revolutionize the hospitality industry and offer abetter quality of service for guests.


9. Best innovative guest experience

This award recognises the most outstanding individual or loyalty programme guest experience in the hospitality sector that has created unforgettable memories. The winning experience will have successfully engaged and retained customers by offering innovative and relevant benefits. The award recognises experiences that exceed expectations by creating an unforgettable experience for recipients. This prize is not reserved for experiences designed exclusively as part of a loyalty programme.


10. Best technological operational support innovation

This award celebrates the most innovative and creative concept in facilitating and improving the efficiency of operations. It recognizes a group or a brand which has included a new tool. It should provide a new approach an division of hospitality management, such as IA, waste management, revenue management systems, and so on. The innovation should have the potential to revolutionize the hospitality industry in its operations.


11. Lifetime Achievement

This trophy will be awarded by the AdvisoryBoard to an international hotel, travel or tourism personality or family who has made a mark on the profession through their pioneering, innovative, entrepreneurial, and professional achievements.


12. Grand Prix Hospitality ON                                                                            

This trophy rewards an international hotel group that has marked the year 2023 by its performances in four complementary areas:corporate strategies, M&A, talent management, and CSR policies.


Local Level categories


1. Best F&B experience innovation

This award celebrates the most innovative and creative concept in facilitating and improving the efficiency of operations. It recognizes a group or a brand which has included a new tool. It should provide a new approach and vision of hospitality management, such as IA, waste management, revenue management systems, and so on. The innovation should have the potential to revolutionize the hospitality industry in its operations.


2. Best health & wellness experience

This award recognizes a new concept, service, or initiative that has been implemented in a hospitality site and demonstrates the industry’s ability to innovate and renew itself in the area of well-being, detox, relaxation, fitness, mindfulness, and other related aspects. The initiative should provide a unique and different approach to promoting wellness, health, and mindfulness.

3. Best innovative social responsibility action

This award recognizes innovative actions in the field of social responsibility, including diversity, inclusion, and governance that have positively impacted the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourists as well as business sites. The winning action or program will have demonstrated a deep commitment to social responsibility and governance through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and measurable outcomes that have positively impacted stakeholders. This award recognizes programs or actions that have made significant contributions towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and responsible establishment.


4. Best innovative sustainable action

This award recognizes innovative actions in the field of sustainable development that have contributed to ecological sustainability for the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourist sites as well as natural resources in the hospitality industry. The winning action or program will have demonstrated a commitment to environmental sustainability through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and measurable impact on reducing the establishment ecological footprint. This award recognizes programs or actions that have made significant contributions towards a more sustainable future.


5. Best opening party

This award celebrates the creativity and the enthusiasm of an opening or reopening party of a hospitality site (including hotel). This includes both the party itself and the communication around it. 


6. Best economic/hostel (re-)opening  

This award recognizes the best opening or re-opening of an economy hotel/hostel. The evaluation criteria include investment, architectural design, key performance indicators, concept, and CSR policies implemented. The hotel/hostel must have been opened or renovated within the past two years and is currently operational.


7. Best upscale/midscale hotel (re-)opening

This award recognizes the best opening or re-opening of anUpscale/Midscale hotel. The evaluation criteria include investment, architectural design, key performance indicators, concept, and CSR policies implemented. The hotel must have been opened or renovated within the past two years and is currently operational.


8. Best luxury hotel (re-)opening

This award recognizes the best opening or re-opening of a luxury hotel.The evaluation criteria include investment, architectural design, key performance indicators, concept, and CSR policies implemented. The hotel must have been opened or renovated within the past two years and is currently operational.


9. Best resort (re-)opening

This award recognizes the best opening or re-opening of a resort. Thee valuation criteria include investment, architectural design, key performance indicators, concept, and CSR policies implemented. The hotel must have been opened or renovated within the past two years and is currently operational. 


10. Best upscale/midscale hotel manager of the year  

This award is designed to honor an exceptional manager of an upscale or midscale property who has made a significant impact on their profession. The winner will be selected based on their outstanding managerial skills, demonstrated through the successful business performance of their property, as well as their ability to maintain a high level of guest recognition and service quality. Additionally, the winner must have a proven track record in talent management and have received professional recognition by their peers. Finally, the winner should have a strong commitment to the associative life, demonstrating their involvement in various industry associations and organizations.


11. Best luxury hotel manager of the year

This award is designed to honor an exceptional manager of a luxury property who has made a significant impact on their profession. The winner will be selected based on their outstanding managerial skills, demonstrated through the successful business performance of their property, as well as their ability to maintain a high level of guest recognition and service quality.Additionally, the winner must have a proven track record in talent management and have received professional recognition by their peers. Finally, the winner should have a strong commitment to the associative life, demonstrating their involvement in various industry associations and organizations.


12. Best resort manager of the year

This award is designed to honor an exceptional manager of a resort who has made a significant impact on their profession. The winner will be selected based on their outstanding managerial skills, demonstrated through the successful business performance of their property, as well as their ability to maintain a high level of guest recognition and service quality. Additionally, the winner must have a proven track record in talent management and have received professional recognition by their peers. Finally, the winner should have a strong commitment to the associative life, demonstrating their involvement in various industry associations and organizations


12. Iconic employee of the year

This trophy celebrates the exceptional achievements of an employee within the hospitality industry who has demonstrated outstanding dedication, excellence, and commitment in their profession. This employee has made a significant impact on the industry through their exemplary career and the recognition they have received from clients for their exceptional quality of service. They have consistently demonstrated a passion for their work, going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the satisfaction of their guests. Their contributions to the hospitality industry have set them apart as an inspiration to others in their field, and they have earned the respect and admiration of their colleagues and peers

Article 4

Conditions of participation

Participation in this event is open to professionals of all types of hotels, hospitality sites, travel companies and tourism to all Hotel Groups /Integrated Hotel Chains / Voluntary Chains / Franchised Hotels / HotelResidences / Resorts & Clubs / Campsites / Hostels / Tourist accommodations/ Cruise ships / Airlines companies / Restaurants / Wellness centers and to any natural person of legal age representing a hotel throughout the world(hereinafter referred to as "Candidates"), with the exception of theOrganizing Body's employees and their families.

Article 5

Announcement of the event  

The event is announced on the following communication media:
- Official website of the event:
- Official website to register and upload the projects:
- Social medias: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…
- Event organizer:
- Hospitality ON Magazine, and e-mailing campaigns


Article 6

Terms and conditions of participation  

To participate in this event, candidates must register on the HospitalityAwards platform to send their application to the Organizing Company. Each application submitted to the Hospitality Awards is subject to a survey, supervised by the Advisory Board. Applications must include:

·       A 10-slides PowerPoint presentation including the key infos listed in the guidelines;

·       Picture, name and function of the candidate

·       Picture, name and function of the project representative

·       50-words summary of the application

·       A 60-seconds video

·       Logos of the establishment/company

The application must be in English only. These compulsory documents maybe supported by other documents such as brochures, pictures, and videos. The candidates expressly grant the Organizing Body the right to use the logo of their brand on its websites and, accessible worldwide, for the duration of the legal protection in France of the intellectual property rights relating to the said logos. These elements might be used during the ceremony. Completed applications must be submitted online ont he Hospitality Awards platform by the candidates who give permission to the organizer to publish them on the above-mentioned websites during the event, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 20 below. In the case where the candidate does not wish to publish certain documents, he/she must inform the organizer in advance. In any case, the organizer will not be held responsible for the publication of the documents given.  
The applicant shall also ensure that the application file complies with the laws and regulations in force in France. In particular, the Applicant guarantees that the application file will not contain any elements that are contrary to good morals, insulting, defamatory, infringing, xenophobic, homophobic, antisemitic, and so on.

Receipt of applications from March 22 to September 13, 2024.

Entries cannot be submitted to compete in the Lifetime Achievement and GrandPrix Hospitality ON categories. For these categories, the finalists are chosen by the Hospitality ON Jury from among the tourism companies that have caught their attention.  

Participation in the Hospitality Awards implies full and unconditional acceptance of these rules.

Article 7

Participation in the Ceremony

The public can attend the awards ceremony by purchasing their ticket directly on the Hospitality ON website. To purchase a ticket, they must become a member of Hospitality ON by subscribing to the Hospitality Leader membership until the day before the event, November 28, 2024.

Due to the limited number of places available, Hospitality ON reserves the right to give priority to hoteliers and travel/tourism professionals, clients, and partners, according to the quotas set by profile category.

The Local competition will be held exclusively online – finalists and winners will not be invited to go on stage during the ceremony. The ceremony is reserved for the corporate finalists and winners.  

Participants in the awards ceremony agree that their name and photograph may be used in online publicity materials (websites of the Organizing Company) in connection with the Hospitality Awards, and for a period of ten (10) years from the date of their participation in the awards ceremony, without reference, payment, or compensation.

Article 8

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is composed of a president and about fifteen representatives of hotel groups. It is the guarantor of the smooth running of the selections tages by defining the categories and the rules of the event.

Article 9


The selection of finalists and some winners will be made by two (2) juries: theHospitality Awards and Hospitality ON as described below. The organizing company reserves the right to divide the two existing juries into multiple specialized juries in case the number of applications received exceeds 150.

The organizing company reserves the right to withdraw one or more categories from the competition if the number of applications received for this or these category(ies) is not sufficient or representative. In this case, the organizing company will inform the candidates of its decision to withdraw the category for which the candidates concerned have applied. The candidate will then have the choice between having his or her application moved to a new category or, if he or she does not wish to compete in this new category, cancel their application.

The various juries reserve the right to move an entry from one category to another if they feel the entry is more appropriate for the new category.

9.1. The Hospitality Awards Jury is composed of a chairman and approximately 20 personalities from the business and communication world, excluding the hospitality industry (the "International Jury"). It will meet to select:

9.1.1. Finalists in the following categories: Level categories

·      Best destination marketing campaign

·      Best media campaign

·      Best innovative environmental protection initiative

·      Best innovative social responsibility initiative

·      Best innovative guest experience

9.1.2. Finalists and winners in the following categories: Level categories

·      Best marketing initiative

·      Best innovative brand concept

·      Best innovative F&B experience

·      Best technological operational support innovation  Local Level categories

·      Best F&B experience innovation

·      Best health & wellness experience

·      Best innovative social responsibility action

·      Best innovative sustainable action

·      Best opening party

·      Best economic/hostel (re-)opening

·      Best upscale/midscale hotel (re-)opening

·      Best luxury hotel (re-)opening

·      Best resort (re-)opening


9.2. The Hospitality ON Jury is composed of a chairman and approximately 10 members from Hospitality ON. It will meet in September/October to select the finalists and winners of the below categories:

9.2.1      Corporate Level categories

·      Lifetime Achievement Award

·      Grand Prix Hospitality ON


9.2.2      Local Level categories

·      Best upscale/midscale hotel manager of the year

·      Best luxury hotel manager of the year

·      Best resort manager of the year

·      Iconic employee of the year

The selection of the members of the various juries shall be made solely by theOrganizing Body and may not be contested. The list of members of the juries and of the steering committee will not be disclosed to avoid attempts at corruption.

Article 10

Selection criteria and procedures

The applications will be evaluated according to the following three criteria:

1. The innovative aspects of the projects presented.
2. The exemplary nature of the operation and its capacity to be multiplied or extended.    
3. The effectiveness of the actions implemented in terms of economic benefits.

Regarding individual categories, the application will be evaluated according to the following four criteria:

1.Global performance including sales, customer satisfaction, business performance

2.Talent management and managerial capacities

3.Peer recognition

4.Engagement in the associative life and social responsibility towards the local community

Selection procedures

The determination of the finalists and winners may follow a process containing up to three stages, with the intervention of a specific jury according to the categories as specified in article 9 above. The different juries reserve the right to decide not to put a category to public vote. They may also decide to add a category to the public vote. No information on the selections will be revealed before the day of the ceremony, neither by the juries, nor by the organizing team or any other person who has access to the results before the ceremony.


Article 11

Scoring System

Scoring will be as follows:

11.1 First stage

-      Jurors will score each application by attributing 50 points divided asper the following:

o  Criteria 1: Quality of the application (5 points)

o  Criteria 2: Originality, relevance & innovative nature of the initiative (15 points)

o  Criteria 3: Implementation of the project (15 points)

o  Criteria 4: Impact, evaluation & results (15 points)

-      For individual categories, the jury will rank the candidates from one to three based on the criteria developed in article 10.  


The total amount of points collected by each Candidate will produce a ranking to determine the 3 finalists for each category concerned.  


-      There will always be only 3 places available for the final.

o  In case of tie for the 1st place:

§ The jury may proceed to a new vote to decide between the tied Candidates.

§ Or the jury may decide to award the prize to the two tied Candidates. In this case, the podium will be composed of the two first finalist and finalist who reached the second place only.

o  In case of tie for the 2nd place:

§ The podium will be composed of the first finalist and the two finalists who reached the second place only.

o  In case of tie for the 3rd place:

§ The jury will hold a new vote to decide between the tied Candidates.

However, the jury may, if it wishes, submit more than 3 candidates to the vote of the audience if it does not wish to break the tie.  


·       For individual categories, the jury reserves the right to award the prize to the second choice if the first-place candidate cannot attend the ceremony on November 28th, 2024.Therefore, the Organizing Committee will check with the winner before theChairman of the Hospitality Awards hands over the envelope containing the winner's name to the bailiff on the day of the ceremony.


·       Once the results have been established, the Chairman of the Hospitality Awards will hand over the results to the bailiff at the end of the deliberations, except for the "LifetimeAchievement" category.



11.2 Second stage: electronic voting by the public during the ceremony

·       During the Hospitality Awards ceremony, which will take place on Thursday, November 28th, 2024, at theInterContinental Paris - Le Grand, the public will be equipped with electronic voting devices and will contribute by voting, in the presence of a bailiff who will draw up the minutes of the voting operations, to determine the winner among the finalists designated by the juries in each of the following categories:

o  Best destination marketing campaign

o  Best media campaign

o  Best innovative environmental protection initiative

o  Best innovative social responsibility initiative

o  Best innovative talent management initiative

o  Best innovative guest experience

For these categories, the public vote is not weighted and will be decisive.

-      If there is a tie for the 1st place in the floor vote, the president of the jury concerned and the president of Hospitality ON may decide to award 2trophies or proceed with a new vote.


Article 12


A diploma attesting their finalist status and signed by the president of TheOrganizing Company, the president of the ceremony and the president of the relevant jury will be awarded to the finalist Candidates. A trophy will be awarded to the winner in each category. These prizes have no financial value.

Article 13

Identification of winners and elimination of participation

The Candidates and participants in the award ceremony accept that theOrganizing Body reserves the right to verify their identity and any information contained in the registration form. Application forms that are not fully completed and/or contain incomplete or false contact information will not betaken into consideration and will result in the elimination of the application.

Article 14

Modification of the dates of the event and extension of the number of prizes

The Organizing Body shall not incur any liability whatsoever if it is forced to cancel the present event in the event of force majeure or events beyond its control. The Organizing Body also reserves the right, within the limits provided for by the law in force, to extend or limit the participation period, to postpone it or to modify the conditions thereof, and may not be held liable in this regard.

Additions and modifications may be made to these rules. They will be considered as amendments to these rules. The amendment to the present rules will be filed with the bailiff's office that holds the present rules.

Article 15

Use of winners' identity

The Candidates agree that their name, first name, position, city of residence as well as any recording of their image or the sound of their voice made during the awards ceremony may appear for ten (10) years from the date of their participation in the awards ceremony on online advertising media (theOrganizing Company's websites, communication media (brochures, application files, invitation cards, emailing, press publications, Hospitality ON magazine)and printed materials related to the Hospitality Awards, worldwide and without reference, payment or compensation other than the awarding of their trophy /diploma.

Article 16

Submission of regulations

Candidates accept the entirety of these rules, which are filed with theBailiffs of justice. It is reminded that the names of the finalists and/or winners of each category will be given by the president of each jury to the bailiff who will bring them in a sealed envelope during the ceremony that will take place on November 28th, 2024.

Article 17

Interpretation of the regulation and attribution of jurisdiction

Any dispute concerning the interpretation of these rules shall be decided solely by the Organizing Body. No written or verbal request concerning the mechanism of the event, or the interpretation of the rules will be answered.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 2254 of the French Civil Code, any action by Candidates against the Organizing Body arising from the validity, interpretation, performance or non-performance, interruption or termination of these rules shall be barred within one year of the award ceremony.

These rules (including their interpretation and any disputes arising from them)are governed by French law.


Article 18

« Informatique et libertés » law

Personal data of participants and Candidates will be collected and processed solely for the purposes of organizing the Event. In accordance with the law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978, each participant and each Candidate has the right to access, rectify or delete information concerning him/her by sending a letter to the following address Hospitality ON - Hospitality Awards 5rue de Danzig, 75015 PARIS France. All participants and candidates may object to the processing of their data for marketing purposes.

Article 19

Postal address of the Event

The postal address of the event is " Hospitality ON - Hospitality Awards", 5 rue de Dantzig, 75015 PARIS- France.

Article 20

Transfer of copyright and author's rights

It is expressly agreed that participation in the Event entails the transfer by the Candidates, to the benefit of the Organizing Body, of all copyrights relating to their application file as well as to any element provided within the framework of the Event, except for the logo of their brand. In this regard, the Candidates acknowledge that they are giving up free of charge their rights of reproduction, representation and adaptation of their contribution(s) to theOrganizing Body, for the entire world and for the entire duration of the legal protection of said rights in France, on all digital media (websites, social networks, community platforms, mobile applications, etc.) and printed media(books, guides, leaflets, brochures, posters, postcards, etc.) for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes by the Organizing Body and for its activities, products and/or services. The Candidate affirms that he/she is the author of the contributions he/she submits and guarantees that the works submitted are original and unpublished. In this respect, the Candidate is responsible for obtaining the authorizations of any third party having directly or indirectly participated in the creation of the contribution and/or who consider that they have any right to claim against it. The Respondent shall be responsible for any payments arising from such authorizations. In general, theCandidates guarantees the Organizing Body against any recourse, action or claim that any third party may make, in any capacity whatsoever, in connection with the exercise of the authorizations granted herein and, more generally, in connection with all guarantees and commitments made under these rules.

The Candidate agrees to hold the Organizing Body harmless from any claims by third parties due to copyright infringement or violation of exploitation or property rights, regardless of the nature thereof. In addition, the Applicant must ensure that the images, sounds, and videos transmitted as part of the event do not violate the intellectual property rights or image rights of third parties. The Candidate shall be responsible for obtaining from any third party any license or authorization to use these elements in the context of the event and shall also ensure that these elements may be used commercially by theOrganizing Body.